Windows 10 OneDrive error 0x8004def4

0x8004def4 A few months back my OneDrive app suddenly refused to sync files. After about 5 seconds of launching would error with 0x8004def4. There’s a number of YouTube vids and blog posts on the matter (here’s another!). None of them seemed to do the trick. …

Enabling FTP capabilities on an Azure VM

Configure the VM Add yourself a User account for the FTP user.  Go through Server Manager > Tools > Computer Management > Users and Roles and add yourself a User.  Ensure this user has read write permissions on the folder you’re intending to use…

Azure DevOps – Create a Build Server VM

Configuring the Build Server Here I simply span up an Azure VM and installed Visual Studio Build Tools.  It makes life a little easier if you install the dev tools you need first before installing the agent as the agent service will need restarting…

SQLCMD / Dacpacs

Had a need to run a dacpac script that wasn’t part of pre or post deployments. You can use sqlcmd to do that for you by issuing the following:- Sqlcmd –S <server>\<instance> -v <variablename>=<variablevalue> -i <sql script to run>.sql So… Sqlcmd –S localhost\myinstance -v databasename=mydatabase…

Migrating from TFVC to Git

Migrating Even Microsoft are embracing Git right now Put simply the steps to migrate source code off TFVC onto Git whilst retaining all history are as follows: 1. Create a new local directory on your machine to clone the existing TFVC source code into…