
I’m James Radley, working remotely from 2018 as a Technologist. I live in
Saltaire.This blog is basically for my own amusement/reference particularly the entries on comps/dev (which is why they’re thrown together in bite-size brain-dumps!).
This is a personal site and all opinions expressed on here are my own and unrelated to companies I work for or have connections with.
The blog is broken down into 3 categories:
- Computers mainly my adventures in software development;
- Music entries, are to aide my recollections in years to come in “I swear I was there” type conversations;
- General for pretty much everything else.
Outside of this blog I’m also responsible for 2 other sites:
- The Meninblack Forums The Stranglers and Hugh Cornwell unofficial (and only) discussion forums. This has been running since 1999 and is linked from both hughcornwell.com and stranglers.co.uk official sites (possibly the only thing that ties both entities together right now)
- Uk Product Reviews and Price Alerts Very much an experimental playground for product reviews that came off the back of playing around with a Azure logic app to create a Twitter bot for Amazon price drops.
Hopefully, others may find some bits here useful. Have a look around.