Docker Toolbox – Leveraging localhost support over

I’ve recently completed a refresher on Docker. Whilst working through this excellent MEAN stack setup with Angular 2 and Docker compose tutorial I realised that despite the docker compose setup being all present and correct my references to localhost were never gonna work correctly….

Docker compose “The system cannot find the file specified” error

Issue When running “docker-compose up –build” I experienced the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 3, in File “compose\cli\”, line 65, in main File “compose\cli\”, line 117, in perform_command File “compose\cli\”, line 849, in up File “compose\”, line 372, in…

TeamCity Build – Excluding Projects From a Solution (sln) file.

As part of a solution I was including the 3rd Party “MVCForum” projects which I didn’t want to build on every commit.  I need to exclude this projects from building in TeamCity.  Steps below… 1. Introduce a new solution configuration Easiest way to do…

Moq – Mocking the Request context and verifying SQLException is raised.

Mocking the Request on an API Controller Had an API controller under unit test which made use of the HttpMessageRequest which I needed to mock.How do I get a handle on this? Again pretty simple really (my initial train of thought was back to front…

Moq – Verifying parameter values on a mocked method call.

moq logo

Was going down a rabbit hole trying to figure out how to check param value on a mocked method (pretty simple if truth be told). I need to ensure that when an exception was raised my logger would be called Times.Once and would log the…