Azure App Service Deployment Slots

  With the Standard App Service service plan upwards you get 5 Deployment slots to play with. These are essentially staging slots that can be used to progress from Dev to Pre-Prod to Live. There’s lots of guidance online about deployment slots but here’s…

Twitter Bot with Python

Pretty easy really: Create your twitter account for your bot. Go to Register your app Gain your app keys In your Python script “import tweepy” (you may need to pip install tweepy first). Add a function to perform the tweet     def tweet(message):…

Using Deploy Keys with TeamCity and Git

Had a number of TeamCity projects connecting to the Git repo using my user account.  Was thinking I should really request for service accounts to do the connection.  This becomes a pain when I change my user password as I have to remember to…

Configuring Azure web and SQL UK Culture

For MVC 5 you’ll need the following: <configuration> <system.web> <globalization uiCulture=”en-GB” culture=”en-GB” /> </system.web> </configuration>

Raspberry Pi Web Scraping and Push Notifications

Had the Raspberry Pi for a while now and haven’t really done much with it so I decided to build something semi-useful. Basically we’ll be scraping the web using:- Python (programming language) BeautifulSoup (Python library to assist with screen scraping). Pushbullet (allow for notifications to Android…