Azure Application Insights CI/CD Enrichment

As part of getting the API “match fit” prior to deployment I explored the various options for logging, auditing and telemetry to provide feedback in relation to production diagnosis and application usage (API focus here). This is part 1 which covers the enrichment of…

Azure API Management Template Parameters Used In The UriTemplate Must Be Defined In The Operation, And Vice-Versa

Following on from my adventures in Azure API Management Caching I discovered the following error when updating Azure API Management with a new OpenAPI definition file I received the following error: “Azure API Management Template Parameters Used In The UriTemplate Must Be Defined In…

Azure API Management – Caching

Overview Carried out a discovery phase recently to look at Azure API Management and the key features gained by layering Azure’s API Manager (APIM) as a proxy/facade layer between your backend APIs. One of the elements of APIM that rather appealed to me was…

Azure .Net Core App Service fails to start 503 error

Was playing with a POC app recently. I pushed out a web deploy to an Azure App Service. Everything built and deployed without issue. The app fired up and nothing just the vanilla error message returned. I checked the site logs via Kudu and…

Azure App Service Deployment Slots

  With the Standard App Service service plan upwards you get 5 Deployment slots to play with. These are essentially staging slots that can be used to progress from Dev to Pre-Prod to Live. There’s lots of guidance online about deployment slots but here’s…