Ale, music and enjoying life.
As part of getting the API “match fit” prior to deployment I explored the various options for logging, auditing and telemetry to provide feedback in relation to production diagnosis and application usage (API focus here). This is part 1 which covers the enrichment of…
Following on from my adventures in Azure API Management Caching I discovered the following error when updating Azure API Management with a new OpenAPI definition file I received the following error: “Azure API Management Template Parameters Used In The UriTemplate Must Be Defined In…
Overview Carried out a discovery phase recently to look at Azure API Management and the key features gained by layering Azure’s API Manager (APIM) as a proxy/facade layer between your backend APIs. One of the elements of APIM that rather appealed to me was…
Was playing with a POC app recently. I pushed out a web deploy to an Azure App Service. Everything built and deployed without issue. The app fired up and nothing just the vanilla error message returned. I checked the site logs via Kudu and…
With the Standard App Service service plan upwards you get 5 Deployment slots to play with. These are essentially staging slots that can be used to progress from Dev to Pre-Prod to Live. There’s lots of guidance online about deployment slots but here’s…