Ale, music and enjoying life.
Is this really the first BSP gig this year? Well it’s definitely my first time in “The Church”. The Church Venue Pros – Looks fantastic, plenty of bars and space and all its churchy splendour. Nice light show. Cons – Almost £5 for…
A free Northern festival with BSP and decent ale. I’m in! Train tickets booked to arrive fairly early in the afternoon to take in the sun, beer and festivities. Unfortunately though there wasn’t much in the way of sun and it rained the entire…
British Sea Power again following on from yesterday’s fun. A wooden owl is passed from the front of the town hall down to the crowd. The crowd graciously receive the owl and it is held aloft and passed down to the back of the…
British Sea Power playing a packed sweaty Hebden Bridge Trades Club we’ve been here before right? It had all the ingredients for a classic gig and it didn’t disappoint. Darren Hayman I usually turn up too late for the support band but I made…
Last gig for me for 2015. The temptation to fit in another BSP gig this year was too much so the train down with a couple of Magic Rock tinnies, quick pint in the Alexander pub near the station and we’re on our way…