System.MissingMethodException: Method not found – Entity Framework

Issue Encountered the System.MissingMethodException: Method not found with very little else to go on. I noticed as part of the stack trace a reference to an async call on Entity Framework Core Add method. Solution The error got me thinking about EF Core and…

Azure Application Insights CI/CD Enrichment

As part of getting the API “match fit” prior to deployment I explored the various options for logging, auditing and telemetry to provide feedback in relation to production diagnosis and application usage (API focus here). This is part 1 which covers the enrichment of…

Postman Testing – Chaining Requests From one Request to Another

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The Issue I’d like to run a full suite of Postman tests are part of a CD pipeline into pre-production to indicate any issues and stopping the deployment of the API further. I’d built up 200+ Postman tests to cover standard CRUD operations on…

Entity Framework Core: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed

Working with EF Core across multiple controller services I was receiving the following Entity Framework Core: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. The link for StackOverflow talks about ensuring your dbContext is correctly injected into the ServiceCollection which…

Azure API Management Template Parameters Used In The UriTemplate Must Be Defined In The Operation, And Vice-Versa

Following on from my adventures in Azure API Management Caching I discovered the following error when updating Azure API Management with a new OpenAPI definition file I received the following error: “Azure API Management Template Parameters Used In The UriTemplate Must Be Defined In…