Ale, music and enjoying life.
There’s scenarios where we don’t care about the Moq “It.IsAny<>” parameter value being passed into a mocked method but we need to get the value on the way out. For example, take the scenario below. I’m using SQLite to form integration tests and I need to get a handle on the generated ParentWidget.Id to tie back to my Widget FK.
var dbWidget = _mapper.Map(widget); await _ctx.Widgets.AddAsync(dbWidget); mockedService.Setup(v => v.CreationOfParentMethod(It.IsAny (), It.IsAny ())) .Returns((ParentWidget p, Widget w) => { myAutoFixureObj.ParentWidgetId = r.Id; return myAutoFixureObj});
For some reason I thought I’d need to break out to an anonymous callback method but it’s pretty simple. My continuing series on Moq.