Ale, music and enjoying life.
2 separate Stranglers activities in 3 days! The first being The Stranglers in Leeds on Tuesday night (see my earlier post)
Popped along to Saltaire Methodist Church on Thurs night to check out Hugh’s book reading of his new book “Arnold Drive”. I do like Saltaire especially the breweries monthly “Beer Club” and Fannies ale house. So this was very inviting.
Walked into the Methodist Church to be greeted by Hugh tucking into fish and chips. Had a natter with him for a few minutes whilst a few other punters walked in. Shook his greasy hand 🙂
He eventually sits at the front of the church and invites us all to sit in the first 3 pews at the front (which we did). We’re then treated to him reading a section out from his book and the floor is open for a Q&A session. Which starts out with some interesting questions from the crowd – apart from one chap who seemed a little “refreshed” and keeps telling us all about his red Indian blood. Hugh turns to me at one point as he forgets the name of The Stranglers autobiographer – thankfully I recall the name.
Eventually, the questions predictably switch to music. Some points below …..
– Big tour of America being planned for June/July – “What you doing Hugh? East or West coast?” – “All of it”.
– UK Tour of churches in Oct/Nov (I’m guessing accoustic here?)
– Working on new book (Doctor in Miami in 2050 – he’s about half way through writing this one)
– Working on new music
– Some festival dates in Summer (one on East coast – is this the Skegness one?)
– No contact with Stranglers although he didn’t mention any negativity and wishes them well.
– He doesn’t run any more and hasn’t done for over 25 years – points out the dangers of running.
Quite an enjoyable evening all round.