Ale, music and enjoying life.
Arriving just in time to catch the end of support band “The Watches” (I think they were called that – spelt with a triangle on the A like all the cool kids are doing at the mo) lead singer tearing up the stage – Lots of passion – pretty good actually.
It wasn’t too long before a laptop appeared on stage, along with a Theremin, banjo, rickenbacker, drum kit and various other bits and pieces of technology. I’ll be honest this was Lammy’s decision and I’d only heard the one song I’d likened them to Big Audio Dynamite. I was to be pleasantly surprised. Two blokes walk on stage looking geekier than some of the people I work with. Lead singer/guitarist/banjo/Theremin/laptop extraordinaire was resplendent in full 3 piece suit with dicky bow whilst even the drummer was wearing a tie.
No dialogue, they start up the samples “Hello, we’ve always wanted to play in……” much laughter. Then the drummer kicks in, the guitar loops and other bits are fired off on the laptop complete with WWII voiceovers whilst the “lead singer”? gets busy with the banjo. It shouldn’t work but it just does. All very nice indeed, we’re taken on a real journey. Even when the band have problems onstage they fire off a sample “Sorry there has been a technical problem, please standby” 😯 roadie appears from back of venue and sorts things out. After each song and applause we’re treated to “Thank you very much” samples.
We have about an hour and it’s all over, band walk off stage to the sound of “Last Of The Summer Wine” – very funny chaps!